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Put out the fires...

--- that destroy your spiritual and religious

productivity and joy

Although there is a universal internal urge to “see beyond” the immediate moment, that pursuit is often blocked by chronic, irritating, difficult problems.  Our own individual spirituality is crippled by our physical and mental problems.  Our collective efforts in religions to inspire, motivate, and help each other spiritually is stifled by systemic management, group dynamic, and security problems. Dr. Lyle’s books focus on practical, clear- eyed, feasible solutions to the problems that limit our spirituality and religious joy.  He helps people discover and use Godly-quality management, facilitation, and creativity.  A key book in this discovery process is “The Book of Lyle”. These methods are what really works, not fads or fakes.  Many examples are included, much from Dr. Lyle’s own life in his own struggle against spiritual/religious problems.  If you’ve tried and failed to find continuing joy and inspiration for lighting up your life, these books are for you.
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Link up with other people...

---for insight and inspiration in

implementing Creative-Theology® in your


Too often we spiritually or religiously feel like strangers in a strange land, wandering aimlessly across a bleak wilderness.  Sure, others are around us---but unseen barriers keep us from really connecting and working with each other. Dr. Lyle has a series of unique books that lead you step-by-step through many different powerful techniques and methods for working productively with other people both individually and in group environments.  A key book is “Creative-Theology®.”  Written in a conversational tone, these books are very easy to read, understand, and apply to your daily life or religious group. Also, Dr. Lyle has provided an extensive discussion board with a number of powerful forums for reading what others say, responding to them, or posting your own thoughts on Creative-TheologyTM  implementation. Life is filled with dispiriting problems.  Learn how to rise above the pain and regain your joy.
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Find and explore Facilitation


---for learning and practicing the Art of


Much of our success depends on getting others to happily contribute their talents and resources to our efforts.  Getting others to do this is difficult.  People often conflict rather than complement each other’s efforts.  Fortunately, tools exist for you to “take the bull by the horns” and increase your odds for achieving success.  To-date those tools have mostly been limited to sophisticated management theory, Dr. Lyle breaks-out practical, easy methods for you to subtly and overtly influence others to work together with each other and you for your greater success. In his book “In Search of Quality: Principles and Mechanisms” Dr. Lyle gives you the “secret” methods for getting others to happily do what you want them to do.  This is the art of “facilitation,” which gives you great power over other people for accomplishing good things.  It applies not just to big business, but also to churches, nonprofits, families, your job, and your one-on-one relationships. Discover a whole new dimension to life for making you more successful.
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See books by Dr. Lyle that will help you discover new and exciting ways to do the following: 1) solve Big Problems that limit your spiritual and religion aspirations; 2) link to other people of like mind for mutual encouragement and help; 3) learn and practice the Art of Facilitation; 4) find the best paths for expressing your particular talents and abilities; and 5) fully empower Godly Creativity (Creative-Theology®) in your own life. 

Discover your true talents

and abilities...

---for productive, fun activities

Unfortunately, many organizations--- particularly religious groups---are very poor in recognizing the talents of individual members then putting the people in positions that best utilize those abilities and gifts. Dr. Lyle provides books that help people to discover their own talents and abilities---and how to link those happily to those of other people.  In the “Book of Lyle” he leads you on a spiritual adventure re-examining everything.  In “Creative-Theology®” he presents a significance advance in the spiritual state of humanity, finding new and higher purpose.  And in “In Search of Quality” Dr. Lyle gives specifics for managers to empower the talents of their people.  Dr. Lyle also supplies links to helpful online free exercises, questionnaires, and surveys for examining your own life for your particular aptitudes and talents. If you are are an unsatisfied seeker---not yet having found the situation to best express and utilize your own talents---Dr. Lyle offers books and videos with profound conclusions that go beyond anything you’ve ever heard before. 
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Fully implement Creative-


---individually, within your religious group,

or as a stand-alone church

You’d think that it should be easy to express the Creativity of God.  Unfortunately, speaking or working against the “status quo” is often met with skepticism, anger, and rejection. Dr. Lyle in his book “In Search of Quality” and Creative-Theology®” helps individuals and groups learn how to “create a space” for creativity: where there is safety, enabling boundaries, encouragement, and necessary support. The space for creativity that’s created can be at unexpected places within one’s own life, in excellent “small groups” in organizations, and even as the theme for an entire religion (”The Church of Godly Creativity”). See videos by Dr. Lyle that briefly summarizes the options for doing all of the above.  Learning how and where to express the Creativity of God can bring into your life a new confidence and joy.  It’s not an easy process, but it is worthy of being undertaken.
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Contact Dr. Lyle for outside

perspective, help, and


---on difficult, chronic problems holding

back your religion or spiritual efforts

Dr. Lyle is always happy to hear from you.  Please send your comments, concerns, questions, or queries to his e-mail address at DanLyle@LylePublishing.com  As soon as he is able, Dr. Lyle will send you a reply.  Dr. Lyle has practiced Quality Management and Facilitation in committees, classrooms, and laboratories across a long career in the U.S. Air Force, Veterans Hospital, and the Food and Drug Administration. He is available for consultation on those subjects at a reasonable negotiated fee. A particular interest of Dr. Lyle’s is applying Quality and Facilitation techniques to church management.  He developed and refined his methods by doing them in many religious, spiritual, and church settings.  His goal is to help religious leaders to better help their people to exercise their God-given talents together for the good of the organization.  See his video on consultation options for more information, or send a query to his above e-mail address.
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    Don’t get trapped in your present box!
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